20 December 2011

Child Abuse

Her mom thinks I am joking, but I am more than ready to kidnap her youngest child.

One more beating I have to listen to.... and yet it's not my role.
I can NOT listen to it. I CAN NOT abide by it. I MUST leave. But when I leave, what will happen? Will she stop beating them when they no longer have an audience of a "stranger"... will it be worse??

Either way, by leaving, am I doing anything good? Am I just hiding the situation from my own eyes?

I am VERY aware of the fact that I am a stranger, and an "audience". But, will the removal thereof do ANY good for the two children in question?

My uncomfortability is mine. I am VERY uncomfortable around children being spanked and yelled at. I was not the best parent, myself, having episodes of very psycho behavior including mood swings and yelling. I even hit my children occasionally. I am VERY sorry about that. I would have been SHATTERED if anyone would have taken my children.

What is the solution??? I don't know. The parent in question, I had never even met until a few days ago. Not my business. But when that two year old baby looks into my eyes with those beautiful brown eyes, WHAT do I tell HER???? 

02 December 2011

Upcoming Holidaze

When I was thinking about the upcoming season, it occurred to me that it may not be the best timing to run my Florida errand, as it may be misconstrued by the family. I don't want that. 

Last year, a Facebook friend asked me to spend 2 weeks in Michigan with her. It was an unmitigated disaster. She and her son were both in profound depressions. I did not help the situation, and my moods suffered as well.

This year I have an invitation to spend the holiday season with a friend in Virginia near the Roanoke area.  After a bit of prayer, lots of meditation, and some VERY interesting Tarot readings, I am accepting the invitation. 

I have friends in the Carolinas as well as Georgia, who I hope to visit before I head to Virginia. If you are in that general area, and your schedule is amenable to a meeting during this time of year, please send me a message.

I will be heading to Florida in January. I like Florida in January, it was fun last year. January is a good month to be in Florida.  Love and LIghte!!!